Sunday 28 October 2012

IF you KNEW, heads would roll.....................from Rico

The MSM (Barry's media kept-whores) are not telling you the whole story, not even close to it. As I've come to expect from them, they parrot and swivel and spin in perfect synchronization as the Barry Junta changes porition/stories and evades the truth.

When the media DID kinda-sorta 'report' that Gen. David Petraeus said HE never gave such and order, they glossed-over his position as DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) so the full impact of the head of the CIA stating that he never gave an order to deny help to his people on the ground and under attack in Benghazi was largely blunted/muted to the great unwashed.
- I met David when he was Commanding General of the 101st HQ'd in Mosul, Iraq and can say from personal knowledge the man does not lie, and has more honor than anyone in the present Junta does (including that complete asswipe Leon Panetta).


American diplomatic facilities AND CIA stations/operations world-wide have DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE 'real-time' contact with the President and the White House 24/7, ALL the time, no matter what. Comrade Barry "knew" (and watched) what was happening in Banghazi in real-time.
- My pal Iggie below is quite correct (he and I well know) that there are only THREE people on the planet that can order a "stand down" in a situation like Benghazi. (1) the President, (2) the Vice President, (3) and the Secretary of State. Since all three are proven congenital liars, figure the odds anyone of these three will fess-up. None of them has the character (or the balls) to do the right thing.

This won't matter very much to those who have 'sold' their votes for 'free' Obama phones and Food Stamps, and since the media complex has largely 'buried' the facts/story decent people will have a hard time finding out 'who shot John?' ....which is EXACTLY the point in this cover-up.
- IF people really KNEW what had happened, heads would roll.......this is not just a silly "high crime and misdemeanor" it is HIGH TREASON.

ALLARD: Obama knew about the attack, ignored three requests for help

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