Thursday 11 October 2012

Prager University: Do High Taxes Raise More Money?

If you raise taxes does it automatically follow that you'll raise more revenue? Is there a point at which tax rates become counterproductive? UCLA Economics professor, Tim Groseclose, answers these questions and poses some fascinating new ones.

H/T Shelly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this libturd does this study on the curve and STILL comes in at 33 per cent to have the gumment STEAL YOUR MONEY from you!!!!!
We need to redoe the study again the see if taxing the people at 10 per cent would pull in more to the gumment or less to the gumment.
I even vote for a 5 per cent tax rate. However ALL spending increaces EVERYWHERE in the gumment STOPS. Then see how things get along on 5 per cent tax rate. You are still going to have the state gumment doing THEIR tax rates independent of what the feds do, like it is now.