Saturday 13 October 2012

Still "trust" Government​?..............from Rico

Does any thinking creature still "trust" anything emanating from the Government...or the Government itself?
- If so, WHY?

Here is a case in point, just one example (and a simple one) for those who get their daily "news" from TV but never follow what is actually happening beyond what they are 'told' at the moment by the talking heads/teleprompter readers (except for what's happening with Snooki).

Look at the BLUE line on this chart. It represents what people are 'told' are the initial unemployment claims.
- These are the "headline" numbers. They are meant to make things look 'better' than they are, and if you are stupid and swallow them whole just as they are presented you would conclude that things are 'getting better'...exactly as you are supposed to.

Now look at the RED line on this chart. This represents the real numbers after later 'adjustments' to the headline numbers. These are 'silent' adjustments and remain unreported by anybody. No one bothers to tell you this data, since it reflects the painful reality that nothing has "changed" or 'gotten better'...something you are NOT supposed to know.

Do you now see the FRAUD in the BLS "headline" numbers? They are complete, steaming BS from career Government BureauRats.
- Crapola, like everything else a corrupt Government that funds over 40% of its spending by debt spews forth.

No wonder Biden had an attack of "laugharrhea" on TV last night during the latest 'who can BS the best' reality show called a debate.
- He actually knows that the Government...and a lot of people watching him, are both dumber than Snooki!

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