Wednesday 24 October 2012

Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat................from Rico

I'm old enough to remember having watched the original "Rocky & Bullwinkle" show, and one of their shtiks was for Bullwinkle to say "watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat" and every time he pulled something different out of the magic hat (a lion, whatever)...but never a rabbit.

Our affirmative-action/minority quota set-aside Barry keeps pullin a "fix" for the US economy out of his magic hat, but no matter what they put on his teleprompter for him to recite he always pulls anything BUT a "fix" out of his magic hat. Why?
- I think it is a combination of his being reality-challenged and not being all that bright.

Goerge Orwell said it better than I ever could: "Political designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."

1 comment:

JP said...

I guess he really needs to get a new hat...