Wednesday 23 January 2013


Ladies, Man Down Your Hormones

Yep: British PM Cameron will propose a referendum on an EU exit route

The Left's new campaign to destroy a friend of Israel's

WWII hero James McNiece, helped inspire 'Dirty Dozen' movie, dies

The Impending Death Of Pro Football

A Brief History of the Toilet

Hillary Clinton’s legacy

Colleges Slash Teachers' Hours to Evade ObamaCare

Segregatio​n in GQ's Hottest Women of the 21st Century list: Indian and Asian "chicks" get their own subcategor​ies

Scientist: I'm not seeking mom for Neandertha​l

The Audacity of Fluff: A Critical Reading of Obama's Inaugural Address

OH, HOW THEY DESPISE THE CONSTITUTION: And they're not even trying to hide it any more

Video: Remove Illegal Prez Obama; Anti-Obama Protest in San Diego on Inauguration Day

Nevada Rose, Inside the American Brothel

Two million quit Britain in 'talent drain'

France ready to 'roll out the red carpet' for British exit from EU

Burma's buried Spitfires: the inside story of one man's obsession

How explosives I found in Libya may have ended up in Algeria

Falklands warship sinks in Argentina

Syria: Russia lashes out at 'obsession' with toppling Bashar al-Assad

UN tightens sanctions on North Korea

Britain: Immigration Seen as Top Problem

Obama Refusing to Provide Support for France’s Fight Against Al Qaeda

Morsi Comes Out Against French Fight Against Al Qaeda

North Africa Is the New Afghanistan

Arrogance and Overreach

Dutch, German Patriot Batteries Now in Turkey

Russia warns Israel, West against attack on Iran

President Obama Proclaims Declaration of Dependence to Inaugurate the Untied States of America as Untied to 18th Century Males Lacking Mynhood

'Zero Dark Thirty' Actor Prepared For Bin Laden Role By Founding Al Qaeda Cell, Bombing Bus

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