Friday 12 April 2013

Cartel 'washout' effort. Bad Karma........................from Rico

I had made a 'margin note' about a week ago that the Cartel was positioning for a "washout" effort to drive Gold below$1500 and Silver below $26 and into the 'twenties.'

If the "BitCoin" market assassination didn't alert anyone, maybe today's manufactured action will.

- The Cartel's marching orders from Treasury and the Central Bank (the FED) are clearly to 'progra'm their computer algorithms to: destroy all currency alternatives!

So far, the "bots" are doing a swell job!

- However, neither the bots, the flying monkeys of the Cartel, nor their ringmasters (yes, Timmy's replacement Jack Lew and Benny of the Fed) seem to have ANY appreciation for Karma, especially Bad Karma. The payback for this criminal effort is going to be a real bitch!

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