Tuesday 9 April 2013

It's a bigger, global problem.......................from Rico

Cost-push price inflation caused by rampant mone creation.

- It's a bigger, more global poblem than you tink.

Some, not all, have begun to notice they are paying the same price yet getting less content.

- It's a subtle way to 'hide' the inflation that we do not have from the consumer...even one who is price sensitive but heedless of shrinking quantities as long as the price stays the 'same' for them, it's no big problem.

It's most often noticed when grocery shopping, or perhaps noticing the go shopping more often as they 'run out' of stuff earlier and sooner than they used to.

- And even the ones that manage to 'notice' assume it's a local thing, unique to their locale. It is not.

This has become (a) a bigger problem than groceries, it is creeping into everything and (b) it is a global problem.

- I'll translate the attached German dimensional lumber price chart: "you pay the same, but get less."

The next thing to watch for is: "you pay more, but get less."

- It has already started with taxes and government.

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