Tuesday 16 April 2013

Thoughts on Tax Day

Tax Day, 4-15...NOT to be confused with "Tax Freedom Day" which comes about five-days later this year on 4-18, thank you Barry and fellow Democrats (C).

Some thoughts.

Let's see if I have this straight. The bloated, ineffectual, socialist government I pay taxes to, that is actively trying to deny me my 2nd Amendment rights by disarming me while shredding any other parts of the bill of Rights it doesn't find useful; that is stealing my money (inflation-taxation-planned confiscation); and 'frisks' me before I can board a domestic flight...has just made it EASIER for Saudi nationals to enter the US?* [read: expedited clearance upon arrival*]

Q: How many of the 9-11 hijackers were Saudis?

A: 15 of the 19 were.

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