Friday 12 April 2013

Trust. BS. and SS?..............from Rico

Reagan had it correct when he said the most frightening words in the English language were "Trust me, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help."

Riiiiiight. Now pull the other one!

With Big Sis of DHS keeping the 'homeland' safe and secure, why would anyone even 'need' a gun?*

- Of course, those initials happen to represent the full faith and confidence we can have in her and/or the current regime...BS!

Myself, I am remembering the Cold War days and some of my adventures in what was then called East Germany (most famous for the Berlin Wall and its special version of DHS affectionately known as the "Stasi"...the KGB's Little Brother), and have started to think that Big Sis would better be thought of as "Sister Stasi" these days (SS).

- After all, what could be more secure than the KGB's Lubyanka or the Gulag (as Solzhenitsyn described)?

Welcome to Communism.

- Now, show your papers!

*I saw a movie once where only the Police and the Military had guns. It was called "Schindler's List."

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