Monday 1 April 2013

Why is This "Y" Different From All Other "Ys"?.......................from Dan Friedman

Manhattan's 92nd St. Y (Y as in Young Men's Hebrew Association) is a perfect example of the assimilationist left-liberal mindset which has overrun Jewish institutions in the New York City area. Beyond the gym and the pool, this Y is known for its lecture series featuring conversations with notable personalities, many of whom have no connection whatsoever to Judaism, Jews or Israel. Perhaps trying to correct that imbalance, the 92nd St. Y is hosting a man with a perverse connection to all three.
Roger Waters is most famous for being a founding member of the progressive rock band Pink Floyd. But lately, the 69-year-old rocker has cultivated an interest that extends well beyond music. Waters has found a new gig as front man for the campaign to bring down the Jewish State and libel the Jewish people. See exhibits A and B below.
On April 30, the aforementioned Y will be hosting Waters "as he looks back over his career." Hopefully, the Jewish community, which the 92nd St. Y is supposed to serve, will let the Y know it strongly opposes its disgraceful sponsorship of this British anti-Semite on our dime and in our midst.
Hopefully, when the news gets around, Jews with an ounce of self-respect (and sanity) left will find even more effective ways to give the Y a piece of their mind. With a month to go before Waters’ scheduled appearance, real Jews still have time to mobilize, make our objections felt and stop this obscenity flat in its tracks.
Exhibit A: Roger Waters UN speech (YouTube)

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