Sunday 19 May 2013

Affordable Care....................from Rico

The "soup Nazi" gag on the old Seinfeld show was simply hilarious.

When you realize that the IRS Tax Kommissar who was running the Tea Party and 'enemies list' audit programs from 2010-2012 is currently in charge of the IRS 'enforcement' of the Affordable Care Act (ACA aka Obamacare) reality imitating art is suddenly not that funny at all.

- You can just 'see' some faceless-nameless IRS functionary playing "medical care Nazi" who can deny medical care predicated upon your 'korrecktness' to the ruling junta...and guess what? They will not 'care' one bit!

I guess "affordable care" becomes 'affordable' when you are not allowed to have it.

- Nasty Pelosi was accurate when she remarked the ACA legislation would have to be passed in order for us to find out what was in it. Now we begin to see why...

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