Sunday 26 May 2013

No, Homosexual 'Marriage' is Not Superior to the Centuries-Old Institution of One Man and One Hot Smokin' Woman

But these a**holes are relentless with the propaganda!

Atlantic Same Sex Marriage photo 773424475_zpse07e7282.png
See, "Atlantic Magazine's Bogus, Pernicious Meme That Homosexual 'Marriages' are 'Happier Than' Traditional Marriages":
Here's the cover story at the June issue of the Atlantic, "The Gay Guide to Wedded Bliss."

It's based on questionable research carefully cherry-picked to privilege homosexual marriage over the centuries-old institution of marriage between one man and one woman. It would take a paragraph by paragraph fisking to really deconstruct the lies here, and I have no interest in doing so, because truth doesn't matter in this debate --- that is, truth doesn't matter to progressives who'll use any means necessary to leverage their violent, nihilistic agenda.
Continue reading.

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