Thursday 16 May 2013

Not 'working' as intended or planned?......................from Rico

Looking at Central Bank manipulation of the paper bullion markets is like looking at a modern art masterpice...sometimes you have to step back rom it to 'appreciate' it.

- Let's step back from today's paper raid redux, and look at the picture in a bigger context.

Consider the Dow-Gold Ratio for example.

- Even while the equities are artificailly 'inflated' and paper bullion is artificially 'suppressed' what would any thinking and aware person want to hold? Equities? Paper bullion (ETF's? Physical bullion?

While these paper machinations are visibly played befre the public's eyes, the public is 'encouraged' that things are indeed 'getting better' (if that public gets its information from MSNBC, CNBC, and other semi-official organs of the Ministry of Truth, via Maria and the other money honeys), while overlooking the clear indications of a deteriorating economy.

- It has been an effective 'plan' so far...except it's no longer 'working out' as intended or planned.

Take a look at the comparison of PAPER vs PHYSICAL demand. The big picture here is that the smart money has decided which it would rather be holding.

- The World Gold Council further breaks-out this data for 1Q.

Conclusion? Myself, I think we are witnessing the phoney paper system's pre-collapse spasm, and I'm content to ignore the now almost daily COMEX shenanigans since I hold NO paper 'promises', absolutely nothing on 'margin' and am 100% in physical.

- While this mess will end very badly for some, (to paraphrase Isiah) many will be marched-off as slaves or lie among the fallen, I just won't be one of them.

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