Friday 24 May 2013

Olmert Tried, But Couldn't Give Away The Store.........................from Dan Friedman

“The Al-mighty shall perform a miracle that the Arabs will not want to accept anything.”
- The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson ZT"L  November 18, 1985

[Since 1985 the miracle has been repeated a number of times, which is a miracle itself owing to the merit of the great Rebbe. Here’s its latest iteration which occurred not too long ago on Ehud Olmert’s watch. df]

From the Truth Provider in Israel:
Dear friends,
There is a traitor among us in Israel. Not just a simple traitor, a prominent traitor. A traitor who was Prime Minister of Israel and seeks to run for the post again.
His name is Ehud Olmert and in 2008 he was ready to surrender the entire Jewish territory of Judea & Samaria plus more to Israel's mortal enemy - Abu Mazen and his "Palestinian" Authority.

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