Saturday 29 June 2013

Controversy Over New Yorker Magazine's Gay Marriage Bert and Ernie Cover

This was even on the local news this afternoon.

Bert and Ernie photo new-yorker-cover-bert-ernie-gay-marriage-580_zps382031fe.jpg
It's like the homosexual lobby is spiking the football --- and driving the dagger deep into the heart of traditional American values.

See, "Bert and Ernie's 'Moment of Joy' — The New Yorker's #DOMA Cover."

Like I said, burying the dagger in traditionalism, and rubbing this same-sex victory in the faces of people who want to protect their children from alternative values --- depraved values --- of which they do not agree.

And follow that link for additional responses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They only do it for the money. Controversial covers sell more copies. The thing is... why is that so controversial anyway?
Here's a post with that one and six more: