Monday 15 July 2013

Citywide Alert in Los Angeles — Trayvon Martin Protesters Block Freeway, Clash With LAPD

This is ongoing, right now.

See, "Criminal #TrayvonMartin Protesters Block Interstate 10 in Los Angeles."

L.A. 10 Freeway photo BPLbP2nCUAAvMHU_zpsa95724da.jpg

It's looking seriously messed up over there, and protesters are throwing bricks and rocks at police. This is what the left has wrought on this country, violence and anarchy.


Just Saying said...

{SARCASM} The Brainless Undead have taken to the Freeways... Grab your favorite gardening implements and join us in freeing the state of this threat to public safety. Remember take out the brain - they don't use it much, but it's what keeps them moving around. {/SARCASM}

(Didn't want to use real HTML tags since SARCASM isn't a command - but it should be...)

Unknown said...

I live in Berkeley Ca, and I saw and heard not one moment of violence or even protest here yesterday. The protests in Oakland seemed fake and staged to me when I saw the pictures. You have to understand that this is a very sophisticated area, and most people who truly understand this situation do not think it's solely a racial issue by any means. They do think the trial was a farce, and that Zimmerman and his supporters are racist, but they also see his supporters go beyond that to extolling a lack of conscience in general. Bottom line, the root battle cry is a call to vigilante justice, chaos, and fascism. The sad part for the supporters of such things, is that if vigilante conditions begin to prevail on a national level, those very supporters - the unbalanced and violence prone - will be the first to flounder, while intelligent, thoughtful whites and blacks will join together to survive it.