Sunday 7 July 2013

Just say NO.......................from Rico

Sadly, when a government chooses ideology over reality and lies about what is 'going on' in the economy...and where things are 'going' ...the public is herded in the wrong direction and encouraged to ignore Gretzky's Law (skate to where the puck is going, not to where it's been).

This misdirection is accomplished by just saying NO.

NO INFLATION. If you do not eat, or move, or buy anything that requires transportation then there is no inflation. If you pay your own electric bill, pay for your own groceries, or put fuel in your car...or pay taxes, then you KNOW the 'official' CPI numbers do not reflect reality, but are BS. [CPI does not include food or energy costs...or taxes: income, property, sales.]

- Some will not figure out they have been 'officially' lied to until they are eating cat food tacos.

NO UNEMPLOYMENT. Ignoring the 'fantastic news' headlines of the latest NFP report and actually reading it instead, the REAL numbers are not good news at all (unless you aspire to be a waitress)...part-time jobs are UP +322K, and full-time jobs are DOWN -240K.

- And these are the 'cooked' numbers! [The reported unemployment rate at 7.x% is a lie vs. the actual unemployment rate of 23.x%.]

It is a complete waste of time to try and analyze fraud, and the take-away is this:

- The government LIES about the economy.

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