Tuesday 16 July 2013

Not enough lipstick on this pig...................from Rico

Matt Drudge's juxtaposition of these two images on his site today was absolutely poetic.

The image from her barely coherent court appearance shows Moochelle-esque bangs a la Rick James.

The image from her CNN (Communist News Network) appearances does demonstrate the power of professional make-up artist's handiwork, but despite all the lipstick in the studio it did nothing to help her articulate a single cogent thought.

- A big cork would have been a better solution for her largely incoherent and illiterate interview with famed 2nd Amendment activist and rabid pro-American Piers Morgan, although Piers did come across more favorably in comparison to her. He may have had more/better lipstick.....

and just to finish it off


Anonymous said...

"...the image from her barely coherent court appearance shows Moochelle-esque bangs a la Rick James."

Grr, don't ask me why but now I keep hearing She's a Brick House

And no I *DON'T* want to.....

Anonymous said...

That's a woman?!?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you chose this woman (?) for one of your Wednesday Wenches, as she is totally repugnant to me! Oh...wait...wrong post.

The Machiavellian said...

Just a question. Do you think an American slave from the 1820's had a better command of the English language than Rachel Jeantel?

If they didn't, ignorance was imposed by the master.

In her case, ignorance is self-imposed.

Despite 50 years of the welfare state, and thousands of dollars spent per student, she speaks as if she has an IQ of 60.