Monday 1 July 2013

"Self Defeating Atheists" - Wild Bill

1 comment:

thehawkreturns said...

I have a lot of time much Wild Bill comment but this is a great example of why the Democrats are in control of the White House. Stop mixing politics with Christianity. Evidence that Lincoln was President -everything Wild Bill says -even the photos. Sadly for Christians - all accounts of Jesus were written decades after he died. Much evidence of his life doesn't fit factual accounts - eg there was never a Roman census requiring folks to return to their own places of birth. The Lincoln argument is falacious. I do not believe Lincoln was the Son of God,but there is considerable evidence of his existence as US President. Whether I believe in Jesus as a person or not does not give evidence there is a God. In fact, if the only evidence you can come up with for a God is The Bible I think you have made the atheist's point!