Monday 26 August 2013

Society and Miley Cyrus (Music Video)...from TPC

Last night at the 2013 MTV VMA Award show did the fate of society take another huge step backwards with this performance by Miley Cyrus during primetime?

Watch at The Political Commentator here.

1 comment:

Toejam said...

No doubt she's a really pretty and hot girl. Her legs are fantastic. Heck, If I was 40 years younger I'd crawl over a mile of broken glass to hop in the sack with her.

However, this gig makes her liik like a skank you would fornicate with in a dumpster and then take a Penicillin bath.

I think she's trying to get on the Madonna, Lady Gaga bandwagon and the road to financial success.

That'll probably work and she'll make millions. get married 18 times and end up making class B movies with the Kardashian sisters.