Friday 23 August 2013

Trust these guys?.................from Rico

The week started with Barry meeting ALL the top US banking regulators.This weekend is the infamous "Jackson Hole" Fed fiesta.

- Both events make assuming the 'brace-brace-brace' position seem prudent, given their past track records.

What is hidden beneath the waters that we do not yet know about or see?

Hmmmmmm...sandwiched between these two events was a $20 billion 'cash out' of equities and bonds. It looks like a flight to acquire cash.

- This was the fastest rate of withdrawals in five years. Remember back five years? [Think: Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Lehman.]

We also saw Goldman Sachs make thousands of "erroneous trades" Tuesday, but GS was allowed a 'do over' to avoid huge losses (something that others in the past...say Knight Capital...were never allowed, which put them out of business).

Then we had yesterday's three-hour trading blackout on the NASDAQ because of "technical issues"

And in the background is the remarkable loss of Gold inventory YTD at the COMEX. It looks like a flight to acquire physical Gold.

The 'financial system' hasn't just become a rigged casino, but a big joke. Are some catching-on?

- How can anyone but an algorithm-driven computer have any faith in the markets these days?

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