Friday 13 September 2013

HOPE is not a PLAN....................from Rico

That bastion of banker integrity, honesty, and fiduciary responsibility to its clients Goldman Sachs (aka the Vampire Squid) has advised anyone who still listens to them to "get out' of Gold.

- OK, but WHY?

Because the developed economies are on-the-mend and are now back on top, the BRICs are losers.

- EUrope is fixed, despite unemployment skyrocketing in Southern Europe and Greece needing a couple more bail outs.

- Japans "Abenomics" has worked, but payments on their national debt are now 51.5% of tax revenue.

- USA we're #1! Never mind that the USG is weeks away from defaulting. Again. [read: flat broke]

Huzzah! There's NO NEED for Gold as a risk hedge!

- Or as an insurance policy against the mis-management of governments.

The global financial system rests on the bedrock of the integrity of TBTF banker's, the honesty of politicians (who never lie), the competence of Central Bankers who know exactly what they are doing, and the massive steaming pile of derivatives and debt they have contrived to accumulate in unredeemable fiat paper currency.

- What could possibly go wrong?

So the twits, morons, and 'experts' are today saying:

- Sell your bullion (Gold and Silver), and click the heels on your ruby slippers, while hoping and wishing really-really hard with you eyes closed tight.

Yeah, sounds like a really SOLID plan, if you're a friend of Dorothy.

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