Sunday 8 September 2013

Obama's Recipe For War..................from Dan Friedman

In order to win Congressional approval, a desperate Obama is swearing up and down that his Syrian adventure won't involve "American boots on the ground." And that makes it highly unlikely he'd intervene on Israel's side should the Islamics make good on their threat to strike back at the Jewish state in retaliation for an Obama strike against Syria. In any event, America’s material involvement in its defense is not something the Israelis want.

Yet, most people are forgetting this:

The Muslim world is an irrational world, and it would be foolhardy to confuse their warnings with hollow bluster. This time around, Israel would not stay passively on the sidelines as it did during the SCUD attacks of the first Iraq war. And once Israel is drawn in, all hell could break loose, creating conditions for a wider war.

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