Tuesday 10 September 2013

Today, and Yesterday...................from Rico

I saw a pic of a B2 stealth aircraft today (h/t Theo), andit reminded me of something from the past.

- From yesterday.

Luftwaffe pilots and brothers Reimer and Walter Horton designed a 'stealth aircraft' sometime ater the battle of Britain.

- The US captured a prototype and the blueprints in 1945.

Designated the Ho2-29, here is a pic of one built from the original WWII plans.

- Do you see the similarities between Lockheed's product and the 1940's German design?


Fly To Your Dreams said...

B-2 was built and continues to be maintained Northrop (now Northrop-Grumman) not Lockheed.

If it harkens back to any historical aircraft, it'd be to Northrop's own YB-35 and YB-49 bombers, themselves developed from Northrop's independent WWII period flying wing developments.

JP Gibb said...

The Northrop B-2 is very much descended from Jack Northrop's YB-35 and YB-49 projects. Check out "The Wing Will Fly" for more on his life long fascination with flying wings.

Anonymous said...

The B-2 was built by Northrop.