Friday 27 September 2013

Watcher's Council 'Is there a Doctor in the House' Results Edition!...from TPC

The Watcher's Council

This weeks edition of the Watcher's Council is dedicated to the potential horror show of medicine that may soon be coming to a doctors office near you in the form of Obamacare.

That is of course if you are able to find a doctor anywhere in the vicinity of where you live or work.

And then, if you are lucky enough to find such a doctor, will the wait for an available appointment to have an infection checked out be three months down the road by which time you may have to have that body part removed?

Finally will this doctor who happens to be available to you, one who has chosen to continue to be a doctor, be a doctor who is qualified and talented enough to determine exactly which body part it is that requires removing?

The answer to this question along with links to the articles chosen in this weeks Watcher's Council can be found at The Political Commentator here!

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