Sunday 6 October 2013

A Brief Explanatio​n of an Unread and Unreadably Long Law..........................from Rico

You will NEVER hear it explained this way by the OSP (the Obama Stenography Pool, part of what was formerly known as the MSM but is now effectively the DMC - the Democratic Media Complex), but I'd like to try and give a "fair" and "truthful" summation of the largest steaming pile of legislation ever heaped upon the heads of Americans.

Let's see...a law considered illegitimate by most Americans who acutely felt it being shoved-down their throats by a Democratic-controlled Congress despite the electorate's overwhelming opposition to it, that most cannot afford, that most do not want, that is selectively enforced, and the privileged/connected few and most Democrat 'leaders' are exempted from?

- Yeah, that about sums up the swindle, boondoggle, and betrayal of the PPACA (patient* protection* and affordable* care act*) known commonly as ObamaCare.

*Don't you admire the way Democratic legislation is always named for the opposite of what it is/does?

- 'patient' as in "you won't be one for long once the death-panels kick in."

- 'protection' as in the racketeering usage: "nice legs 'ya got there, it'd be a shame if something 'happened' to pay me!"

- 'affordable' as in "I can't afford these unaffordably nosebleed-high premiums!"

- 'care act' as in "we're only pretending to care, but we really do's only an act."

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