Thursday 17 October 2013

Every day since May 17th.................from Rico

While the teleprompter readers have been busy the past few weeks 'distracting' the sheeple with lies about how not raising the 'debt ceiling' meant debt 'default' and that we had a crisis, 'a CRISIS don't you dummies understand?'

- Somehow, no mention was made of a financial 'miracle' over at Treasury.

Every day since May 17th...yes, every single day...more than 150 consecutive days, Barry's 'button man' at Treasury Jack Lew-cabrasi has maintained the national debt at exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 ...about $25 million under the legal debt limit.

- Why, it's a freakin' MIRACLE, not a CRISIS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is that possible?
Then if that is possible then why not 0 dollars debt?