Thursday 17 October 2013

Million American Jobs Project................

By taking a fraction of what we're already spending and buying US-made goods, we'll create a economic tidal wave. Watch the vid and share it. Boom, you're helping make jobs.

H/T Shelly


Lola said...

Sorry, but this video is absolute and total bollocks. Division of labour is the key to economic growth and globalisation makes us all wealthier. The reason the US is shedding jobs - which by the way are a cost of production, not a benefit -is because it has been made globally uncompetitive mostly by bad economics inflicted on US society by deceitful politicians and very bad and cronyistic central banks and their fellow traveller retail banks. That and the morally and economically bankrupt philosophy of socialism.

Please ignore this stupid video.

Anonymous said...

What Lola said, x 2
