Thursday 17 October 2013

Not just JPM Chase, but also HSBC....................from Rico

JP Morgan Chase, which has announced a halt to customers wiring their own money internationally effective 17 Nov, has been 'joined' by HSBC.

US customers of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation will have to 'wait' a minimum (but even longer, maybe?) of five days before transferring funds to their OWN international accounts effective 20 October.

The slow implementation of "capital controls" in the US is largely going unremarked by the Financial Media and/or the MSM (collectively known as the Obama Stenography Pool these days). Big surprise, NOT.

Bankrupt governments ALWAYS try to 'trap' capital within their own borders when they have a devaluing the Dollar.

- Apparently FATCA was not quite stringent enough for the USG.

The post-Cyprus 'message' should be clear: The individual will be 'sunk' to keep BIG Government afloat.

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