Wednesday 30 October 2013

On Iran, Obama Draws His Line in the Sand...........................from Dan Freidman

[I hope Netanyahu & Co. have finally caught on. Obama's message could not be clearer: “Jews, you’re on your own. More than that, persist with your “fear tactics” and you could face my active interference.”
We have never known a president like this one. Hope we’ll never have one like him again. But if Israel wants to avert a calamity in the here and now, it’s time for her to shed all illusions, shut down the phone lines to the White House, State Dept. and the CIA, and rev up its engines and take care of #1. Now an aside to Bibi. Is all the gold in the world enough for you to commit the sin of the spies and accept the title of “history’s greatest betrayer of the Jewish people?” df]
JPOST.COM, 10/29/2013
US Secretary of State defends Washington's decision to pursue diplomatic avenue with Tehran over its nuclear program.

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