Monday 14 October 2013

Veteran With Artificial Legs Takes 'Barry-cade' to the White House

U.S. veterans and patriots marched on the White House today, delivering the "barry-cades" which were blocking access to the war memorials on the national mall.

See, "Million Vets March," and "Powerful Photos From #1MVetMarch!"

This photo in particular is breathtaking. Some folks on Twitter were brought to tears by the image.

Veterans photo BWd3EphIIAAsyPW_zps072edf2d.jpg


TOF said...

Love it. Let's see the NPS thugs interfere with a wounded vet.

Mike aka Proof said...

This veteran lost two legs in the service of his country, while all Barry has lost is his ever lovin' mind!

Obama's treatment of our vets is beyond shameful.