Friday 1 November 2013


Obamacare victims and Israel by Caroline Glick

Obama's Keep Your Plan Lie Is Why We're Stuck With ObamaCare

Homeland Security workers routinely boost pay with unearned overtime

Search continues for elusive vehicle to fit aboard Osprey

Father of Sen. Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz Goes Birther: Send Obama Back To Kenya

Is Fed inflating stock bubble?

Japan’s New (Defensive) Attack Force

A Reader Note That Immigratio​n From Socialist Countries Will Bring Socialist Voters = Goodbye, GOP!

Random Thoughts

New "glitch": If you like your hospital, you might not be able to keep your hospital

Violent Robbery Near UC Campus

Thank These Republican​s for Obamacare

Brazil's flamboyant playboy tycoon takes big fall

Blue Angels flight during football game to be televised

RON HART: Obama foreign policy, Credibility lost is seldom regained

Judicial panel suspends 'Stop and Frisk' ruling

Internal notes indicate only 6 people signed up for ObamaCare on first day

Mystery World Baffles Astronomer​s

Dark matter: Good news, everyone! We've found absolutely NOTHING

Obama admin's green-ener​gy "investmen​ts": Saving the environmen​t, one abandoned toxic sludge heap at a time

Frightening: White House Intimidating Free Speech

Illinois to Begin Issuing Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens in December

Palestinians: The War between Mahmoud and Mohamed

5 Israeli soldiers hurt, 4 Palestinian gunmen killed as IDF, Hamas clash on Gaza border

The Saudis are engaged in a great gamble

Why huntin’, shootin’ and fishin’ types are out for Tory blood

Japan to start large-scale war games exercise

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