Monday 30 December 2013

Good News. Bad News...................from Rico

Most would agree, for different reasons, that 2013 sucked. But there is some GOOD news. 2013 made 2012 look good by comprison, and Congress made every High School Student Council wannabe look good...also in comparison. - And there was even a bright side to the ressurrecton of Anthony 'Carlos Danger' Weiner's weiner and that other weiner, Client #9....both having failed in their efforts to return to public office. There was a lot of offsetting BAD news too. The FED felt compelled to compete with Miley Cyrus by "twerking" the markets with taper talk, and Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea. - And ObamaCare will remain the poster child of "progressive" Democrat (C) stupidity for a very long time to come...

1 comment:

Billll said...

An "average" year in the old Russian sense: Worse than last year, better than next year. So, average."