Monday 30 December 2013

Such a 'Deal'.....................from Rico

Whenever you hear "such a DEAL I've got for you" it usually precedes a fleecing by a used car salesman, or a mortgage banker, or an investment advisor....well, you get the idea. Congress reached a much-lauded "Budget Deal" recently, a true bipartisan screwing of the shnooks....I mean voters who foolishly put these clowns into office. Rick Santelli (who is the ONLY entity on FTV with any credibility, integrity, or honesty) said of it "...the budget deal is a betrayal and a joke." - That he usually speaks from the trading floor of the CME is itself ironic, the markets having become a joke. The collective skidmarks in Congress have gone beyond mere kicking the can down the road this time. They have kicked the can clear into orbit. - You don't have to be a NASA scientist to understand what happens once something drops back from orbit into the atmosphere, but it appears the concept is beyond the grasp of the room-temperature IQ's of America's politicians.

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