Monday 27 January 2014

'70s Marlboro Man Eric Lawson Dies of Smoking-Related Disease

Here, "Marlboro Man Eric Lawson Dead: Smoking-Related Illness Cited":

A phenomenally successful ad campaign by the cigarette maker.

But cigarettes kill, no need to be PC about it. My mom had major lung surgery last year after some 50-odd years of smoking. She's lucky to be alive. My wife's mom died of lung cancer sometime back, and her dad gave up cigarettes a few years ago after saying he'd never quit. At some point mortality stares you in the face and you realize smoking's not worth it --- although I'm not an anti-smoking activist. Folks should be able to enjoy a smoke if they want it. The problem is that they're so addictive. I smoked for a couple of years when I was going to Hollywood all the time. A cigarette and a cup of coffee is a major stimulation feed! Amazing even, the kick you get out of the nicotine (once you get use to it). Not glamorous anymore, although I still admire the rugged look sometimes. It's part of the culture.
Marlboro Man photo 121731_zps40300133.jpg


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we at least point out he started smoking at freaking 14 years old? There HAS to be a severe link between starting smoking at a young age and smoking at all.

If he'd drunk vodka every day or whenever but starting at 14 and quitting in his fifties, his liver would surely be shot.