Friday 3 January 2014

A 1,000:1 "split"...​................from Rico

This has GOT to be making the FED green with envy! - It also makes their efforts to "juice" the US equities markets via QE 'cheap money' look puny in comparison. The Caracas Exchange had the highest return of ANY market in the world in 2013. The Venezuelan stock market has been hugely successful...second only to the even more "successful" Zimbabwe stock market last decade...and is proceeding wth a 1000:1 index split. Why? - Because an index trading at 2,737 "looks better" than one trading at 2,737,000 (and appearance matters more than substance). - Because removing zeroes...from the index, not the socialist politicians...allows the facade of "everything is OK, really it is" to be maintained a little longer, and allows the option of removing more pesky zeroes when the index reflates (you have to admit a number like 2,737,000,000,000 would be clumsier to work with for socialist planners who have to get into a shower to be able count to 21. This is all being pointedly ignored by the FTV and the socialist poliiticians elsewhere, because very unpleasant inflation caused by currency debasement just isn't polite conversation in central planning-Keynesian-Krugmanite circles any more than is the coincident shortage of toilet paper caused by socialists in places like Zimbabwe or Venezuela ight rouse the slumbering masses in places that are next in line to be so the US.

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