Wednesday 22 January 2014

Late News.................

Cambrian Dissenters​:Politicia​ns Want Open Borders For Syrian Refugees - The People Do Not

Wendy Davis Official Statement: Paraplegic Opponent 'Hasn't Walked in My Shoes'

China's Epic Offshore Wealth Revealed: How Chinese Oligarchs Quietly Parked Up To $4 Trillion In The Caribbean

The Obama Six

Barack Hussein Soebarkah?

Michigan Black Student Members Call for “Physical Action” if Demands Are Not Met

Middle East Peace Process: America's Wishful Thinkers

Lone Survivor: What Are We Meant To Learn?

Bombshell sworn allegation against Tim Geithner

Mullen: Washington 'Doing Handstands​' as if Grave Problem of National Debt 'Has Gone Away'

DeBlasio's 'Snowgate'

Michelle Obama Chooses Jane Fonda as Role Model

Warmists Pivot to Climate Adaptation

Gates and the Duty Dilemma

Patriot Guard says farewell to a stranger at Barrancas

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Rethinking procuremen​t...

Argghhh! The Home Of Two Of Jonah's Military Guys.. - Things that make ya go, "Hmmmm."

Pentagon relaxes rules on religious apparel, facial hair

Teachers Union: We're Disconnect​ed From Our Members

21 January 2014 Snow Day in DC

Coldest Winter in 35 Years?

Sex, socialism and the fall of France

America's Dying Economic Freedom

Zuwahiri plotted Palestinian-Caucasian terrorist attacks on US embassy, Jerusalem Convention Center

Pentagon: 10,000 Troops Or Nothing In Afghanistan

Belgium gripped by theft of mayor's underpants

Aspen airport releases video of Jan. 5 jet crash

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