Sunday 23 February 2014

The Two Ukraines............................from Rico

The 'media' is of little use to anyone trying to sort out the situation in the Ukraine, or understand Yanukovych vs. Tymoshenko.

- But the 'media' is of little use to anyone these days anyway, having drunk heavily of the Koolaid and uselessly busied itself with pushing the canard of Gorebal Warming/Climate Change and providing aid-comfort-cover for the failures and foolishness of "progressives" [read: Communists].

Nationalism unites, and multi-culti 'diversity' divides. So does culture and language.

- Paying attention yet America? Liking how that whole 'diversty' joke is working for you?

Belgians have the whole Flemish vs. Walloon thing.

- I don't know if this is WHY Brussels is so dysfunctional, but when all else fails it never hurts to go with "blame the French."

Many of us understand what happened in the former Yugoslavia. The linguistic divide between Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian, Slovene, and Macedonian (plus a few more languages) made the 'country' less functional than their infamous car, the Yugo.

Another example is found South of the Mason-Dixon line in the US where "goddamyankee" is still a single word in most locales (and where civilized people actually know what grits are).

Now back to the Ukraine.

- This is an interesting map of language, especially in the context of how many claim Russian as their language. Now look where Kiev is located.

Forget about taking any gaseous emissions from CNN (the Communist News Network) and their teleprompter cronies, including the White House (the Red Shed), seriously. Just remember this map, and think for yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that looked easy.
When is the Tea Party going to rise up and take back America from the Marxist dick-taster in the "white house"?
C'mon people we have the guns, and are guaranteed the power by the Constitution.