Thursday 27 March 2014

No bees, no food: John Miller at TEDxUNC

Commercial beekeeper John Miller has fought to help keep our world's natural pollinators alive. "The link between plants and bees is a seductive life cycle, and for 120 years my family has kept bees," he said, describing what he believes is the best job ever. However, over the last 70 years, America has lost half of its bee colonies due to their inability to find pasture, the increasing harm from pesticide and the viral predator bug, the verroa destructor. He came to TEDxUNC to remind us- no bees, no food.

H/T Pete H

1 comment:

David Y said...

I sat next to John on a flight from Sacramento to Chicago. He was working on his TED talk and let me read a working draft. Many folks have zero idea of the importance of bees (and other pollinators) in the food cycle. John was an incredibly sincere and delightful guy--who gave me an incredible education over the course of 3 hours or so.
PS--Your blog is outstanding!!!