Wednesday 30 April 2014

$100MM Manhattan apartments: When does the bubble burst?...from HAS

If you have any interest in a NYC apartment with its own pool, huge patio and unobstructed view of the Hudson River then this one might be just what the doctor ordered.

Of course if you have to ask what the monthly maintenance is, then you obviously can't afford it.

And if, when the NYC bubble ultimately bursts a $30MM, $40MM or greater loss will be too much for you to handle then you might also want to stay away!

Read at HAS here.


Anonymous said...

i wouldn't want to live in NYC, even if you paid me $100 million AND gave me the apartment.

no matter how fancy, it's still just an apartment in a town full of scumbags, and with lousy weather, plus stupid gun laws that make Failifornia's seem sane.

Minicapt said...

An "unobstructed view of the Hudson River" is akin to a gourmet Big Mac at McDonalds.
