Wednesday 30 April 2014

PLO Parrots Kerry......................from Dan Friedman

[If memory serves, the apartheid libel is one the PLO has rarely used. Must be because they've made clear - and everyone knows - that any state they can carve out of Jewish land must be rid of all Jews. In any event, now that the American Secretary of State used the “A-word” himself, he's given the Arab Muslim terror organization(s) the green light to ape him too. df]

JPOST.COM, April 29, 2014

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat accused Israel of actively sabotaging peace talks, as the nine-month period for US-mediated negotiations which began in July came to an end on Tuesday.

"Unfortunately, Israel never gave the negotiations a chance to succeed," the Bethlehem-based Ma'an News Agency quoted Erekat as saying.

"To build settlements in occupied land, kill Palestinians and demolish hundreds of Palestinian homes is certainly not the behavior of a government that wants to end occupation but of a government that wants to turn occupation into annexation," he charged.

Erekat claimed that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had taken advantage of the nine-month negotiating period to "consolidate [Israel's] Apartheid regime."


Dan Friedman

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