Tuesday 6 May 2014

Another Tantrum From the Left's Intelligensia.......from Dan Friedman

[As I’ve said on occasion, the motives behind the left’s cockamie prognostications about the future of Judaism and Israel are infantile and hysterical. That’s what accounts for the downright silliness of grown adults like Peter Beinart, T. Friedman, and this new schnook on the corner, Yochai Benkler.
Theirs is the sort of the reaction you’d expect from a six-year-old whose mommy won’t buy him more candy. But once Jews and Israel act in the opposite way you’d like – and made a public fool of you in the process – there’s nothing left to do but change the subject and scream the sky is falling. To do a small shift on Shakespeare, hell hath no fury like a public intellectual scorned.
Still, it takes a lot to make a Harvard law professor look stupid. But at least one (not Dershowitz) has pulled it off, claiming the world will end unless the US Jewish community embraces the crypto-anti-Zionism of Soros-backed J Street.
Fair warning. It’s a very drawn out essay, prolixity being one of the signs of gravitas in academia and “intellectual” circles. You could just read the headline and get my point. But if you decide to click thru to the whole tedious rant, you’re in for a long night punctuated by a few laughs. df]

The New Republic, May 2, 2014


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