Saturday 3 May 2014

Ignorance vs. Stupidity.....................from Rico

I have heard it said that "ignorance" can be cured by information, but "stupidity" is forever.

Let's connect some "progressive" stupidity dots. What a track record!

American Presidents Wilson, LBJ, Carter, and Soetoro are good examples of low-potential high-achievers who were elevated beyond their levels of competence.

Under the globalist "progressive" Wilson (D), two notable failures happened...both possibly 'well intentioned' but both ruinous to America:

- The 18th Amendment (the National Prohibition Act), commonly known as the Volstead Act or prohibition, financed organized crime and made the Kennedy's generationally rich (yes, Joe kennedy was a bootlegger) and fostered widespread dismissal of 'the law' as useless. It was repealed in 1933 by the 21st Amendment.

- The19th Amendment giving women the right to vote in 1920 has been equally disastrous, as the attached picture of women 'ready for Hillary' illustrates. Good luck getting that toothpaste back into the tube...

Under the globalist "progressive" LBJ (D), a "War on Poverty" was launched.

- Fifty years later there has been no victory, but the shnook American taxpayer continues to pay the bill and has been impoverished by it.

Under the globalist "progressive" Carter (D), two departments were created which achieved exactly the opposite of what they were 'sold' as.

- The Department of Energy was pitched as making America free of dependence on foreign energy. It has done anything BUT that. Americans today are paying nosebleed prices for foreign oil.

- The Department of Education was pitched as improving American education. It has done anything BUT that. Americans today are the most poorly educated in history.

Under the globalist "progressive" Soetoro (D) (Obama is a made-up name), the Affordable Care Act commonly known as 'ObamaCare' or that steaming pile of legislative crap was given Americans.

- I won't bore you with the litany of lies, false promises, and general BS it was 'sold' as. Suffice it to say it's not just a job killer, or an economy killer, but an America killer.

- It should be repealed just as prohibition was repealed, and not 'fixed' as the globalist "progressive" John Boner (R) proposes.

And after a stunning track record of doing what's WORST for America, there are actually people sooooooooo incandescently stupid as to be 'ready' for Hillary?

- Electing Hillary as the first woman President will be as wildly successful as electing the first black President was...and she is right 'it would send the right kind of message' just NOT the one she intended when she put daughter Chelsea up to make that claim. The message? That the last nail had been driven into the coffin of a once constitutional republic, and a third-world Communist banana dictatorship had commenced in earnest. The USA is dead, long live the USSA!

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