Sunday 11 May 2014

Time-lapse video: The Freedom Tower rises!...from HAS

A time-lapse video of the Freedom Tower rising from foundation to the addition of the spire at the top. Construction shown is from 2004-2013.

Watch at HAS here.

1 comment:

sykes.1 said...

Freedom Tower is a great disappointment. It has only 3.5 million sq ft of useful space compared to the 6 million sq ft of the original twin towers. The top of its habitable space is substantially lower than the top floors of the twin towers. And it took an obscenely long time to build it.

There are several buildings in Asia and the Middle East that are taller and bigger than Freedom Tower.

Freedom Tower can be used to argue that American engineers, especially its civil engineers, has declined in capability.

Signed, a retired civil engineer.