Thursday 12 June 2014

They're Part of the Freakin' Fabric of Afghanistan!

This is like nuclear headdesk territory, "#Democrat Congresswoman Jackie Speier: Taliban Not Terrorists, 'Part of the Fabric of Afghanistan...'"

The entire international system is in meltdown mode and we've got epic morons running the U.S. national government. I'm sure the Founders warned about precisely such ignoramuses.

I guess she wasn't briefed on developments just over the border, but hey, they're part of the fabric of the country! Here's some fraying fabric for you, "Pakistan Taliban Attacks Karachi International Airport."


Anonymous said...

As been said over and over again, elections have consequences.
This is just ANOTHER one of those consequences.
All these consequences are for the worst that can be for this country.

Anonymous said...

America needs another revolution. There is a Trojan Horse in the White House.