Thursday 28 August 2014

A Tale of Two Markets..........................from Rico

The captive, co-opted, and corrupt financial system of cronies has created TWO for the algorithm-driven HFT (high frequency traders) insiders and TBTJ (too big to jail) friends of the regime, and another for the retail traders (Muppets).

Wait, b.b.b.b.b.but stocks are at almost daily 'new' all time highs! Everything is somehow 'good' then, right?

- Not in the context of some of the lowest trading volumes of the year, and NOT if you're a Muppet.

Muppets didn't notice when the markets 'broke' yesterday and 1,384 ticker symbols were affected and could not be traded by retail investors.

- The short version is that there was NO 'opportunity to trade' for retail investors (Muppets) for swathes of time (there was no matching of buying o selling on the retails end of things).

--- Pink on the attached charts indicate that retail trades were "locked out" and there was NO retail order matching.

--- Grey indicates when retail trades could occur, but if you look closely at the 'green boxes' you'll see that retain sellers mainly got the worst prices, and retail buyers mainly got the worst prices. Call it a lose-lose proposition when the big boys can herd the Muppets into selling into falling prices and buying into rising prices.

Sweet, huh?

- Truly the best of times for TBTF, and the worst of times for the Muppets.

Now consider what will happen when a large crowd of Muppets simultaneously meets at a small exit door when this thing crashes.....

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