Saturday 23 August 2014

Late News...............

The White House Should’ve Said, ‘Obama Golfs So Much To Get Away From Michelle.’ Then Folks Would Empathize

Gen. Allen: Destroy the Islamic State Now

Obama Insiders Frustrated Over Reluctance to Attack Syria and Iraq

Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man himself, shares Mobile family's Avengers photo on Facebook

After alleged threat over Harvey Updyke appearance, Auburn University says we take student conduct seriously

IMAX re-release of 'Forrest Gump' won't play in Mobile; Winston Groom says 'it's embarrassing'

U.S. Sends Second Carrier to Asia Amid Tensions with China

Ivory Coast closes western borders over Ebola threat

North Korea's Grave Robbing Problem

Australia’s Fight Against Islamic Extremists

Iceland raises aviation volcano alert to red as small subglacial eruption is under way

Saudi Arabia has beheaded 19 people in one month. Isil would be proud

60 years after first flight, C-130 has far outlasted expectations

US considers broad military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria

Taking the US fight against IS into Syria would consolidate Assad and his Iranian-Hizballah allies

Why Won't Putin Help Middle East Christians?

2 Europe navigation satellites in the wrong orbits

Tenn. inmates sue to stop electric chair 'torture'

'Underesti​mated' Ebola outbreak spreads

Colorado Hiker Sings Opera to Calm Stalking Mountain Lion

The Golden State’s Pension Reforms Get Spiked

Cash raised for Mo. cop surpasses Brown donations

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