Friday 1 August 2014

The Drought in Washington ........... From James P. Willis

A drought is a terrible thing, as people in some of our western states can tell you. When water is in short supply, everything suffers. Plants don’t grow, animals have to venture out of their normal habitats in search of water, even the dirt beneath us changes and takes on new characteristics. Drought has an effect on people as well, causing depression, irritability, and even desperation. They often become less optimistic, less motivated, and less productive.

Regardless of what the weather man might tell you, there is a drought in Washington DC that is affecting the whole country. There is plenty of water to be had, but what is in desperately short supply is leadership. The word ‘leadership’ is often used when talking about our nation’s capital. We talk out ‘our country’s leader’, Congressional leadership, Republican leadership, Democrat leadership, Senate leadership, House Leadership, etc., but we might as well be talking about unicorns. As much as we talk about leadership, I can find no evidence that it exists anywhere in Washington.  continue reading

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