Friday 15 August 2014

Trayvon 2.0..................from Rico

You'll NOT see anything even remotely resembling this on the MSM.

- That's because it's NOT racist, but being realistic.

The media whores and the race pimps are busy 'selling' the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO as Trayvon 2.0.

- It is complete bullshit and agenda-driven, just like everything else they spew.

Al Tawana Sharpton, Je$$e Jackson, Eric dickHolder and the usual suspects are all "in" on the latest fake-but-could-be-true race-baiting scam.

- Gotta pursue the racial (and racist) agenda.

The Ferguson Cop shot Michael Brown in self-defense. Yeah, an 18-yo 290# 6'4" Michael Brown who was a shitbird, thug, and petty criminal.

- Here's his Faceook page to get an idea of his character.

- Then, if you have ANY remaining doubt, here is the surveillance videotape of Brown's attempted strong-arm robbery that ended in his shooting.

Whatever the taxpayers 'saved' in not having to prosecute, convict, and incarcerate this asshat ...our 'friends' Al "room service" Sharpton, and Je$$ie "pay me" Jackson are making sure gets spent by fomenting riots, racial tension, and false hype.

- All aboard the Trayvon 2.0 bandwagon for another payout scam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems negros are incompatible with US democracy as Islam is incompatible with humanity,