Tuesday 19 August 2014

You'll LOVE this!.....................from Rico

With a bunch of racist assholes in charge of things, what could possibly go 'wrong' in Ferguson, MO....or in the greater US?

- Barry airdrops his racist AG Eric dickHolder into the Ferguson non-event to support Tawana Sharpton, Je$$e, and the usual cast of trouble-makers and racist shit-stirrers.


- Oh yeah, to 'calm' things down. Riiiiiiight. That must be it.

Never you mind, John Q. Public, that about 4-2014 the Army published a new 'guide' for dealing with civilian riots in the US. TP 3-39.33 learn it, live it, you'll just LOVE it!

- Remember they train the way the are going to fight. The 'fight' will be armed military against unarmed civilians, inside (not outside) the US. [Think in the context of the latest litmus-test/loyalty question for the military: "Would you order your men to open fire on American civilians? Yes (you get to stay). No (leave, now...and we'll be keeping a close eye on you buster)].

Here's a "sample" FYI.

- How about this? Sample one: read across the very top lines from left to right...UNARMED CIVILIANS - TARGET LEADERS - SNIPER RESPONSE

but trust me, it gets better than using snipers on crowds. Try choppers [read: gunships].

- Then there is this. Sample two: Escalation of trauma. An illustrated guide of where to strike the human body to inflict PAIN - DAMAGE - DEATH.

If somebody was accidentally-on-purpose 'picking' a fight, or trying to 'start' one....maybe a Negro Spring, given the raging success of Arab Spring...this would b a classic set-up job.

- But like I said, with the current regime of racist-Marxist America-hating assholes 'calling the shots' what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

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